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campus map faculty and staff directory phone directory admissions placement exams schedule results nat results 2018 test interpretation 07-15-2017 antique 07-22-2017 negros 10-14-2017 cpu campus 10-14-2017 capiz 10-21-28-2017 cpu campus 10-26-2017 metro manila 11-4-2017 cpu campus 11-11-2017 cpu campus -- results -- admissions general foreign students admission requirements international programs graduate school medicine law arts & sciences business and accountancy computer studies education engineering hrm & tourism nursing theology high school elementary kindergarten review and continuing education center -- enrolment procedure admission requirements academic calendar collegiate - first sem 2017-2018 collegiate - first sem 2018-2019 collegiate - second sem 2017-2018 collegiate - second sem 2018-2019 collegiate- summer 2017-2018 collegiate- summer 2018-2019 medicine - first sem 2018-2019 medicine - second sem 2017-2018 medicine - second sem 2018-2019 junior high school 2017-2018 junior high school 2018-2019 senior high school - first sem 2018-2019 senior high school - second sem 2017-2018 senior high school - second sem 2018-2019 elementary 2017-2018 elementary 2018-2019 kindergarten 2017-2018 kindergarten 2018-2019 scholarships academics programs all academic programs international programs graduate school medicine law arts & sciences business and accountancy computer studies education engineering hrm & tourism nursing theology senior high school junior high school elementary kindergarten review and continuing education center admissions general foreign students -- scholarships tuition & fees student handbook student online services -- research research abstract agriculture arts & sciences commerce computer studies education elementary engineering externally funded graduate studies high school nursing staff others theology research output knowledge management portal library henry luce iii library proquest opac kdc publications link online link online archives -- link archives -- kasanag kasanag archives -- central post -- seeds of faith article archives alumni alumni news -- cpufoaa cpuaai bulletin -- global reunion 2018 kasanag kasanag archives -- giving -- videos feedback faqs prev next ; border-bottom-left-radius:0.5em; border-bottom-right-radius:0.5em;" -- c e n t r a l p h i l i p p i n e u n i v e r s i t y -- today 08/12/2016 faculty & staff cew convocation 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the university church speaker : cpu bot chair atty. peter irving c. corvera all members of the faculty and staff are required to attend. offices will close and classes should end by 3:45 pm so we can start at exactly 4:00 pm. -- -- announcement cpu livestream -- latest news announcements and events videos new year message of cpu president, dr. teodoro c. robles the past year brought many successes to . certainly, these triumphs have strengthened our faith and have fueled us to go forward and face the future with dynamism and complete trust to our almighty father. as we start this new year, we are also in the lookout for new opportunities to better this institution. more importantly, we are more focused in extending these plans so that we could participate effectively in nation building. i would like to believe that we have understood and accepted the challenge for those in the academe; that is, by providing quality education, we also impact the society or even help in changing the status quo. this is why, guided by scientia et fides, we try our best that all members of the centralian community get to have the mind and the heart to succeed, to share and to serve. as much as we would like that everything that we intend to start or finish this year be smooth sailing, we know that it will not be. just like the past years where we have to face challenges as we realize all our goals, 2017 is no different. however, i am hopeful, that with our utmost dedication and with unwavering faith to the lord, we will equal or surpass what we have thus far achieved. may we be off to a good start this 2017. happy new year! god bless us all! dr. teodoro c. robles president -- latest news weekly centralian link weekly centralian link (january 12, 2018) weekly centralian link (january 5, 2018) weekly centralian link (december 29, 2017) weekly centralian link (december 22, 2017) weekly centralian link (december 15, 2017) weekly centralian link (december 8, 2017) weekly centralian link (december 1, 2017) weekly centralian link (november 24, 2017) weekly centralian link (november 17, 2017) weekly centralian link (november 10, 2017) weekly centralian link (november 3, 2017) weekly centralian link (october 27, 2017) weekly centralian link (october 20, 2017) weekly centralian link (october 13, 2017) weekly centralian link (october 6, 2017) weekly centralian link (september 29, 2017) weekly centralian link (september 22, 2017) weekly centralian link (september 15, 2017) weekly centralian link (september 8, 2017) weekly centralian link (september 1, 2017) weekly centralian link (august 25, 2017) weekly centralian link (august 18, 2017) weekly centralian link (august 11, 2017) weekly centralian link (august 4, 2017) weekly centralian link (july 28, 2017) weekly centralian link (july 21, 2017) weekly centralian link (july 14, 2017) weekly centralian link (july 7, 2017) weekly centralian link (june 30, 2017) weekly centralian link (june 23, 2017) weekly centralian link (june 16, 2017) weekly centralian link (june 9, 2017) weekly centralian link (june 2, 2017) weekly centralian link (may 26, 2017) weekly centralian link (may 19, 2017) weekly centralian link (may 12, 2017) weekly centralian link (may 5, 2017) weekly centralian link (april 28, 2017) weekly centralian link (april 21, 2017) weekly centralian link (april 14, 2017) weekly centralian link (april 7, 2017) w eekly centralian link (march 31, 2017) weekly centralian link (march 24, 2017) weekly centralian link (march 17, 2017) weekly centralian link (march 10, 2017) weekly centralian link (march 3, 2017) weekly centralian link (february 24, 2017) weekly centralian link (february 17, 2017) weekly centralian link (february 10, 2017) weekly centralian link (february 3, 2017) w eekly centralian link (january 27, 2017) weekly centralian link (january 20, 2017) weekly centralian link (january 13, 2017) weekly centralian link (january 6, 2017) weekly centralian link (december 30, 2016) weekly centralian link (december 23, 2016) weekly centralian link (december 16, 2016) weekly centralian link (december 9, 2016) weekly centralian link (december 2, 2016) weekly centralian link (november 25, 2016) weekly centralian link (november 18, 2016) cpu forms click here to view forms. job openings new job openings click here to view. campus announcements student satisfaction survey click here to view scholarships click here to view college of education will soon offer bachelor in sports match analysis tracer study of college and graduate program graduates click here to view details a survey on the integration of christian values in the curriculum among cpu teachers click here to view details placement examinations schedule sy 2018-2019 click here to view details ched scholarship programs effective first semester, sy 2017-2018 click here to view level of accreditation (as of july 21, 2017) kindergarten – level 2 (acscu-aai) elementary – level 3 (acscu-aai) junior high school – level 3 (acscu-aai) college of agriculture, resources and environmental sciences – level 2 (paascu) college of arts & sciences – level 3 & 4 (acscu-aai) doctor of management with concentration in public management – level 1 doctor of management with concentration in development management – level 1 master of arts in public administration – level 3 (3-year re-accreditation status – acscu) level 2 (re-accredited status – paaf) bachelor of arts – level 4 (acscu-aai) (paaf) bachelor of science in biology – level 4 (acscu-aai) (paaf) bachelor of science in chemistry – level 3 (acscu-aai) bachelor of science in psychology – level 1 (paaf) bachelor of science in social work – level 1 (paaf) college of business & accountancy – level 4 (acscu-aai) doctor of management with concentration in business management – level 1 master in business administration – level 4 bachelor of science in accountancy – level 4 bachelor of science in accounting technology – level 1 bachelor of science in in business administration – level 4 college of computer studies – level 1 (paascu) college of education – level 4 (acscu-aai) bachelor of elementary education – general – level 4 bachelor of secondary education – level 4 college of engineering – level 2 (paascu) – ee/ece/me/ce/che college of hospitality management – level 2 (acscu-aai) college of medical laboratory science (for accreditation – august 2017) college of nursing – level 2 (paascu) scholarship programs cpuaa-united arab emirates scholarship program the nonie villamor grant-in-aid cpu releases the list of approved university scholars congratulations to the approved university scholars for sy 2017-2018! here is the list as submitted by dr. margen a. java, director, student development and programs. click here to view details hiring secretary, office of the vpaa (internal transfer only) click here to view details university treasurer (internal transfer only) click here to view details payroll officer (internal transfer only) click here to view details english teacher click here to view details mapeh teacher click here to view details math teacher click here to view details science teacher click here to view details credit and collection assistant (internal transfer) click here to view details dean (college of business and accountancy) click here to view details department chairperson (college of business and accountancy) click here to view details -- --> the centralian link images/ce.png" alt="" campus events images/announcement.png" alt=""> announcements < ?php getannouncements(); ?> images/features.png" alt=""> features < ?php getwidgetspluginsbyidentifier('academic calendar'); ?> --> -- centralian link -- -- president's message angel and i are very much honored and more than happy to be in your company tonight. i am reminded by the global reunion in las vegas eight years ago when significant number of alumni here in southern california attended the gathering even though they were not member of the federation, yet. now, here we are, enjoying the company of each other. i am glad to see so many familiar faces from the various chapters and also those who are not member of any chapter but are guided by the central spirit to share in our celebration. in this occasion, may we not only exchange stories and reminisce about our time at cpu, but may we also be reminded of what we have achieved collectively, that we may look forward to what we could still achieve for our alma mater. read more + latest central posts view all - -- cpu receives usaid stride visiting professor for environmental seminars was privileged to host visiting professor dr. sergio c. capareda who conducted a series of seminars for the usaid visiting us professor program of usaid stride (science, technology, research and innovation for development). capareda, a texas a&m university based professor is an agricultural engineer and an alumnus of the university of the philippines at los baños, laguna. dr. capareda delivered a combination of lectures in more than 25 topics on renewable energy, biofuels and air quality, waste management and one-on-one consultations. he also made consultations with various academic and research sectors of the university. in addition, he lectured on teaching pedagogy, basics of online teaching, research proposal-writing and developing research projects. he also recommended an online learning management system (lms) to participants from cpu and other universities in iloilo city. a red letter day for cpu and doh july 5, tuesday was a `red letter day for the department of health and , where the national kick off of the blood donor’s month was held. a unity walk from cpu to jaro plaza and back was participated in by thousands of students wearing red t-shirts and caps. an opening program followed at the cpu big field where the releasing of balloons welcomed the guests - including newly appointed health secretary and keynote speaker paulyn jean rosell-ubial. -- -- enrolment procedure registrar's office, administration annex continuing students new transferring, returning, law and foreign students read more + our partners a glimpse of history valuing the past < ?php getglympse(); ?> --> follow @cpucentralian © 2013 cpu template . all rights reserved. designed by cpu web development team -- -- top